Southern Cross Coaching Insight

New year, new look - Hot Links To Learning


Happy New Year by the Gregorian Calendar and Dionysian or Common Era! Wishing you health and happiness for the year ahead...and beyond, of course! Hard to believe we’re here in 2017 already....

Welcome to our first Hot Links to Learning for 2017!

A holiday break and a new year often lead people to reflect and consider a change for themselves, personally and/or professionally. Reflection is great, intention and vision are fantastic, but action is what it takes to get things done. As stated by Michael Jordan:

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

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Cut e-mail stress...get back an hour a day

Feel like you’re constantly battling the email onslaught? Doing work e-mails at home after dinner? No space for the strategic thinking you need to do? Feel like your days are too short and wish you had 2 (or 10!) hours extra every day to get your work done? Are you (almost) missing deadlines? It doesn't have to be this stressful... Our Time Management and Effective Use of Email program gets results! We guarantee it.

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