Southern Cross Coaching Insight

Job Interviews: Top Tips for Better Outcomes

If you are not a fan of job interviews then you’re not alone!

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Effective Recruitment

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Want To Get Better At Interviews & Applications?

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Writing to Targeted Questions - Job Application Top Tips

In this article we are talking about answering Targeted Questions in a 1-2 page covering letter, in line with the NSW Government GSE Act 2013 changes - but the same principles apply for any limited length application (or any application for that matter) be it NSW/Local/Federal Government or Private Sector.

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How To Become ‘Luckier’ In Getting Your Next Job

Tips and tricks for better covering letters, CVs & interviews

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#1 Top Tip for Better Job Applications & Interviews

If you don’t like interviews, you’re not alone! In our experience of delivering our Job Application & Interview Skills training course to well over 3500 NSW Government participants from many different agencies across regional and metropolitan NSW over the years, on average about 19 out of 20 in a group dislike interviews.

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