Leadership & Management Support Line


Confidential, individual coaching support for leaders and managers at all levels: new managers to seasoned CEOs.

Leadership & management were already becoming increasingly complex. However, in today’s super-challenging Covid-19 situation - post bushfires, flood and drought to boot – complex has gone to a completely new level!

To be of service in these unprecedented times, SCC&D has expanded our innovative, confidential Leadership & Management Coaching Support Line to give leaders and managers everywhere a supporting lifeline to deal with their leadership challenges. 


How does it work? 

We've set up a Leadership Helpline model, providing access to an experienced Executive/Leadership Coach who will support you. Confidential. Safe. There are NO stupid questions!

  • Leaders can book in a 1-Hour phone coaching session with an expert Executive Coach (usually within 1 working day, but please be patient in these difficult times
  • Alternatively, we can place an Executive Coach ‘on site’ (virtually of course!) at your organisation, and people can book in to specific time slots that suit them.



Through our network of 35+ experienced coaches and consultants, leaders and managers at ANY level (from new and junior managers to seasoned CEO) can call and speak to a widely and deeply experienced Leadership Coach and receive expert, on-the-fly, non-judgemental leadership and management advice, guidance, counsel, support and reassurance.

Your coach can also be a sounding board, cheerleader and/or accountability partner - whatever leaders and managers need for support and help with. Many of our expert coaches are also counsellors and psychologists, so if we know you need more personal support we can get the right mix of skills to assist.


How do I book?

We are working furiously to expand our online booking capability! In the mean time, please phone or email us directly on the below

Dedicated Helpline on: +61 451 608 049 


Email: leadersupport@southerncrosscoaching.com.au

Click here to email us

The Team at Southern Cross Coaching & Development

