Improving Communication - Giving & Receiving Feedback Course - 5 Sept 2016

“A Sunday Times study of the Top 100 companies to work for in the UK found that employees feeling listened to was the most important factor in how much they valued their organisations.”

We want to know how you rate your boss (and yourself) at listening, and giving and receiving feedback!

Take our fun 2-minute anonymous survey now:

Thanks for your time – watch this space for the results!

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How do you think Giving & Receiving Feedback relates to productivity? Read on to find out...

In 2012, The Global Corporate Leadership Council (now CEB Global) independently surveyed 351 managers in one NSW Government agency. They asked them what the increase in productivity was in their teams as a result of completing our Giving & Receiving Feedback program 9-12 months prior.

This program was benchmarked alongside results from the top leadership courses across the world, including those from the USA, UK, Europe, Australia, etc.

Answer: productivity increased by an average of 26%.

The ability to deliver and receive feedback well, is a critical leadership skill that shapes culture, and is essential to high performing teams and great productivity.

It sounds simple, giving and receiving feedback. Unfortunately it is one of the most difficult things to do, and also one of the most underrated in terms of its impact.

If people don’t feel listened to, they don’t feel valued. If they don’t feel valued, they will soon leave.

When people feel heard and understood, they feel more empowered and engaged. The best leaders are those who make their teams feel empowered and engaged. Engagement means better productivity.

The principles and skills taught in our Giving & Receiving Feedback Program, cover the core foundations in building a collaborative, functional, and productive team and best-practice leadership at any level. They promote respectful communication and behaviours that are fundamentals of superior leadership, teamwork and a high-quality organisational culture. Whether or not you have annual performance ratings in your organisation, even the best leaders need to continually improve their communication and giving and receiving feedback skills.

I agree...silent parts between the words

We’ve seen some quite remarkable leadership, culture change, performance, and team improvement results from our Giving & Receiving Feedback program, as well as some quite moving personal stories of how these skills have changed personal relationships with partners and children.

The program focuses on building a culture and language of holistic, complete 360° feedback.

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw

The principles and skills taught in our Giving & Receiving Feedback program are applicable to leaders and staff at every level, and are the core foundational skills of every leader and staff member, as well as the core components for improved performance and culture change. However, in our experience, few people perform these skills well, even (and sometimes especially!) at an Executive level.

Bad Dog Image Giving and Receiving Feedback Southern Cross Coaching and Development

Our program is ideally delivered in combination with individual or group and peer coaching sessions to imbed the learned skills, and discuss personal situations.



More information about this course is available at:

Some testimonials from our G&RF course:

" Very useful. Provided insight into so many issues/ meetings that have occurred and how much better they could have been executed by all parties."


" Attending the training has opened my eyes and mind to alternate positive ways I am able to approach feedback within my professional and personal life."


"The best and most practicable course I have attended while working for HNSW."


"Presenters knew/actually practiced what they were delivering!"
