Southern Cross Coaching Insight

Four in a Row! Excellence in Business Ethics Awards 2016

Written by simonsmith | Jul 27, 2016 12:10:02 AM

We are very proud to announce that for the 4th year running Southern Cross Coaching & Development are Regional Finalists for the Excellence in Business Ethics award, run by the NSW Business Chamber (for the NE Sydney region)!

The Excellence in Business Ethics award "Recognises an outstanding business that has been able to achieve business success while acting in an ethically responsible way."

The winners will be announced at the Awards evening on Thursday 28th July for the North Easter Sydney District, so keep your fingers crossed for us please!

Thank you!

We'd like to say a massive thank you to our clients, consultants, partners, training participants, coaches and all others who are making it possible for us to be able to run our business to the ethical standards we strive for.

Ethics are the core of what we do and how we operate, both within and outside of the office. However this is only possible due to the support, feedback and strong relationships we have with you and all out stakeholders.

Demonstrating our Ethics

For us, doing things ethically is about constantly asking the question "Is this the right and ethical thing to do?" Doing the right thing legally is relatively easy, things are generally pretty much black or white. But doing the right thing ethically is often a lot more than 50 shades of grey!

We do our best every day to apply ethical principles to every aspect of our business: our people; our clients; our services; our leadership; our processes; our teamwork; our communication; our follow ups; our pricing; business growth; diversity and inclusion; the environment and more. Of course, we're also only human, and of course we make mistakes, but we do out best to learn from them and apply the learning to strive to be better next time.

Sometimes there's a professional and even personal cost to doing the right thing. Sometimes it's a tough decision that isn't always ideal for the immediate bottom line of the business, which isn't always visible from the outside. It can require a lot of effort to stay on track. So to be acknowledge for the hard work and the results we achieve, means a huge amount to us.

We couldn't do it without our fabulous team and our fantastic clients, so we hope you can join us in celebrating being Regional Finalists for Excellence in Business Ethics!