Southern Cross Coaching Insight

Hot Links to Learning - Change Management

Written by simonsmith | Apr 4, 2017 3:42:11 AM

What do change, death and dodgy politicians have in common?

You can guarantee they’re going to happen! Whether we like it or not, Change is here to stay, and it’s only the pace of it that varies – usually increasing! This can impact massively on a professional and personal level for many people, so the ability to lead effectively through change and coping with and resilience to change skills are now critical capabilities.

We’ve collated a small selection of articles and videos for you on change, and hope the material will assist you in some way if you're going through change now, or at some point in your life. Scroll down to read. 

At Southern Cross Coaching & Development we do a lot of work in this space and have several customisable in-house and coaching options available related to change, such as: how to cope with and build resilience to change and how to manage and lead people through times of change.

Communication is critical, but is very often a lacking part of Organisational Change. If you think that communication is lacking in your organsiation, then have a look at our Brain-Based Coaching Conversations for Managers program, and also our Giving and Receiving Feedback course for all levels of staff, managers and executives. Feel free to give us a call to discuss options, what you need and how we might be able to help.

We'd love to help you achieve a great Change culture at your company, so if you would like to know how we can help, and/or speak to us, give us a call on 02 7901 5618 or reply to this email to talk through your requirements, and see how we can tailor a program for you.

This week's Hot Links to Learning


Leaders Are Getting Better At Change Management -- But Not At Transformation Article/blog - refers to HBR article below:

Leaders Are Getting Better

Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail - HBR article (PDF) from John Kotter reflects on why organisational transformations often fail:

Leading Change - John Kotter

Assessment: How Successful Was Your Company’s Reorg? - A test with 22 questions that can be submitted and gives you an idea on how successfull your reorganisation has been:


Who Moved My Cheese? - Dr Spencer Johnson writes about  an "A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life”


5 Ways to lead in an era of constant change - An engaging TED Talk where organisational change expert Jim Hemerling wonders why change has to be so hard. He believes that adapting a business in today's constantly-evolving world can be invigorating instead of exhausting:

5 Ways to lead

Who Moved My Cheese? - A 4- minute animated book summary by the author Dr Spencer Johnson, on his famous book on how to deal with Change (click image below): 


If you are interested in seeing the full 15 minute movie then click the link below.

Who Moved My Cheese?: The Movie

We hope this week’s links add to your learning, and provide informative articles to help you to continuously learn and grow!

Here at Southern Cross Coaching & Development we constantly receive and/or see interesting articles, blogs, talks, and information about the different approaches, trends, and news in regards to leadership/personal/professional development and growth that explore the subjects we are all passionate about: Leadership, Personal and Professional Development, Individual Growth, Neuroscience, and Coaching.

We’ve decided to take the time to curate an exciting selection of links to specific articles, books and videos that we know will add value and feed your passion. It saves you time, and like you, we love sharing our passion for these ground-breaking topics.

We are always open to new thinking and we’re keen to learn along with you… So please send anything, links, articles, suggestions for discussion, anything you think will inspire us and our growing community.

For an informal discussion to explore how Southern Cross Coaching & Development can assist you or your people with becoming their ‘best selves’, call us on (02) 7901 5618 or email us at

The Team at southern Cross Coaching & Development